Sailor Saturn / Tomoe Hotaru
Sailor Saturn / Tomoe Hotaru
Star of Destruction, Fighter of Silence - Saturn is my Guardian
Japanese Name: Tomoe Hotaru
Name Meaning: Glowing, of Earth
Birthday: January 6, 1980
Sign: Capricorn
Height (child): 3'9"
Blood type: AB
Favorite color: purple
Hobby: reading, collecting lamps
Favorite food: Japanese noodles
Least favorite food: milk
Favorite Gem Stone: fluorite
Favorite subject: World History
Worst subject: Phys Ed.
Has trouble with: marathons
Strong point: injury treatment
Dream: to be a doctor

Sailor Moon Ss
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
- Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up
- Silence Wall
- Silence Glaive Surprise
My Item's
About Tomoe Hotaru
Hello. I am Tomoe Hotaru. There is much mystery and illusion
surrounding me. I am Sailor Saturn and the villianess Mistress 9.
Although I seem only a little older than Chibi-Usa's age I was
older and have been reborn. Let me go into more detail.
My life as Tomoe Hotaru

This may become very confusing but here I go. As a very young
child my mother died. I spent alot of time with my father in his
labratory. One day a terrible accident occured killing me. My father
sold his soul to the alien entity Mistress 9. Mistress 9 then took over
my body. At the time no one knew I was also the most powerful senshi
Sailor Saturn. During my years at school I was very lonely. I had no
friends because of my special power. I have the abilty to heal injuries.
I meet Chibi-Usa and we become very good friends. The outer senshi
believe me to the Silent Messiah (which I am) and try to kill me.
Sailor Moon jumps in front of me and I dissapear.
My life as Mistress 9
After the Outer Senshi attack Hotaru, she dissapears and I take
over her body. I take Chibi-Usa's pure heart crystal and I swallow it.
I call upon master Pharoh 90. If he appeared the world would
definatly end. Hotaru was still very strong inside of me. I could
not contain the love she felt for her father and Chibi-Usa. Due to
these feeling's I am destroyed.
My life as Sailor Saturn
Hotaru appear's and then changes into Sailor Saturn. I return
Chibi-Usa's heart crystal to her. I tell Sailor Moon that the
only way to save the earth from Master Pharoh 90, is to silence
then heal him. Sailor Moon tells me that there is another way. I do
not listen and go off to fight Master Pharoh 90. Sailor Moon follows
me. Master Pharoh 90 dissapear's as i defeat him. Sailor Moon
then appears, alone, holding a baby in a purple blanket. It is me,
Tomoe Hotaru, reborn.
This is not the end of my life as Tomoe Hotaru or Sailor Saturn. Now
for the next chapter of my life.
My life as Sailor Saturn/Tomoe Hotaru
As a tiny baby, I am happy living with my father. Setsuna comes to
my home and takes me saying I will be safer with her. I then lived
with Michiru, who I call Momma, Haruka, who I call Poppa,
and Setsuna.
I have a vision of Sailor Moon, in her her Eternal Moon uniform on a
crystal pillar. This new uniform had not yet been introduced.
Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were being attacked by glass
monsters, sent by the new enemy, Sailor Pluto arrived arrived with
me in her arms. She placed me in a flower bed where I
would be safe.
A monster tried to kill me and a purple light blasts the monster away.
The sign of Saturn appears on my forehead. I then power up the
Outer Senshi giving them new outfits and strength. I also grow from
an infant to five years old. I begin to speak of chilling events
that are about to happen.
During the night, the spirit of Sailor Saturn returns to me and she
is reawakened. I also recieve all my memories of the past. I age again
and go to see Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna to tell of chilling events
to come.
There is another attack by the glass monsters, and the Inner and
Outer Senshi appear to fight together. The Inner Senshi are amazed
to see me as Sailor Saturn. I am now 13. I tell every one to give their
energy to Sailor Moon so she can power up to become Eternal Moon.
After Usagi goes to Queen Nephrinia's world to rescue Mamoru, the
other Senshi go to rescue her. Chibi-Moon and I are left to confront
Nephrinia alone. This is when I use my first attack. I protect
Chibi-Moon and Mamoru with Silence Wall. I then decide to use
Death Reborn Revolution. This attack could end the world.
Chibi-Moon stops me. Sailor Moon end's up saving us all.
Updated: September 07 1998
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